Cloud Security

Protect your cloud infrastructure, data and other digital assets on Azure or AWS from the constantly evolving threats with customized security controls and policies as per your infrastructure needs.


What is Cloud Security?

Cloud technology revolutionizes the delivery of computing services and infrastructure by leveraging the Internet. This shift eliminates the costs and complexity associated with managing on-premise IT infrastructure. While the benefits of moving to the cloud are substantial, it’s important to recognize that cloud environments are not immune to security risks.

Cloud security involves implementing a series of tailored security policies, controls, procedures, and technologies designed to protect your assets in the cloud. By securing your cloud environment, you can significantly reduce the exposure to threats and ensure your data remains safe and compliant.

ITSEC Cloud Security
ITSEC Enhance protection

Enhance protection of your digital assets

ITSEC Full visibility

Full visibility and control into your cloud infrastructure

ITSEC End-to-end encryption

End-to-end encryption of all uploaded data to the cloud

ITSEC Centralized cloud security

Centralized cloud security protection

ITSEC Proper configuration

Proper configuration of security settings for cloud assets

ITSEC Unauthorized access

Protection against unauthorized access or data leaks


Cloud Security Solutions

Cloud infrastructure has become a vital component of both individual and business operations today, but it also introduces new challenges in maintaining security. While cloud computing solutions can be secure, organizations must have full confidence that their digital assets are protected from corruption, manipulation, disruption, and threats.

ITSEC’s cloud security solutions ensure the mitigation of risks to your cloud environment, whether it is public, private, or hybrid, by covering the entire cloud computing stack: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). With our comprehensive cloud security solutions, you will establish:

ITSEC Minimal exposure

Minimal exposure and security gaps in your cloud environment.

ITSEC More visibility

More visibility into your cloud assets and configuration settings.

ITSEC Consistent security

Consistent security policies and controls across your entire infrastructure.

Secure YourCloud Infrastructure

An adaptive and powerful protection for Crypto Exchanges and Trading Platforms.