Crypto Exchange Security

Protect your Crypto Exchange transactions and funds from security breaches and DDoS attacks by improving IT infrastructure and implementing cyber security measures which mitigate the risk.


What is Crypto Exchange Security?

Crypto Exchanges are online trading platforms in which customers can exchange one kind of crypto-asset for another one based on the actual market value of the given assets. While crypto-assets themselves are very secure, exchanges can be prone to a variety of vulnerabilities, making them an ideal target for cyber criminals. IT SEC’s Crypto Exchange Security solution is designed with a very clear principle in mind - to keep customer’s funds safe at any cost, free of falling victim to breaches and hacks.

ITSEC Crypto Exchange Security
ITSEC Discover Vulnerabilities
Discover Vulnerabilities and Protection Techniques For Cryptocurrency Exchanges
ITSEC Safe cryptocurrency
Safe cryptocurrency transactions by preventing security attacks
ITSEC Accounts protection
Implement a number of security techniques for Domain Name and Role Accounts protection
ITSEC Fraud Prevention
User Account Takeover and Fraud Prevention
ITSEC Penetration testing
Penetration testing and simulated attacks to evaluate security of the crypto exchange platform
ITSEC Phishing attacks
Protection against social engineering and phishing attacks to crypto exchange transactions.

Crypto Exchange Security Solutions

Crypto Exchanges are online trading platforms in which customers can exchange one kind of crypto-asset for another one based on the actual market value of the given assets. While crypto-assets themselves are very secure, exchanges can be prone to a variety of vulnerabilities, making them an ideal target for cyber criminals. IT SEC’s Crypto Exchange Security solution is designed with a very clear principle in mind - to keep customer’s funds safe at any cost, free of falling victim to breaches and hacks.

ITSEC Minimal exposure
Application security evaluation, reports on detected vulnerabilities and remedies.
ITSEC More visibility
Equal protection of front-end and back-end components.
ITSEC Consistent security
Mitigation of future cyber attacks by implementing best security practices.

Protect YourCrypto Exchange

An adaptive and powerful protection for Crypto Exchanges and Trading Platforms.